Saturday, November 30, 2013

National Day and the Short Rows to Christmas Break

Things have settled down since my last blog.  I am still teaching one class of boys and one class of girls (52 total) and have two classrooms.  We are in a routine, our procedures are in place, and I'm getting settled in with carting my centers between two rooms.  The children are learning so much!  We've been working very hard to increase English vocabulary, teaching sounds, blending, and segmenting, and lots of counting, counting, counting.  The children have really made a lot of progress since the beginning of the year.  Some of the children are beginning to make the sound/symbol relationship and beginning to blend.  The look on a child's face when they learn /a/ /n/ makes the word "an" is priceless.  I saw that last week.  Yes, its hard being away from my family especially this time of the year...but, I know that what I'm doing daily is making a difference.

National Day is upon us in the UAE.  42 years ago, the UAE became independent.  The locals celebrate by wearing the colors (Red, Green, White, and Black), putting large wraps around their cars that have pictures of the shrieks , large flags are draped on homes, businesses, and even cars.  The people are very proud of their country and celebrate "big".  Each night, fireworks can be heard as the people celebrate. At school, we've been doing activities all week.  Here are a few pictures of my children:

Our long weekend began early Thursday morning with a text from my school.  No school today due to Dubai winning the bid for the World Expo in 2020.  All educational facilities would be closed in order to celebrate.  I was already up and showered before checking my phone....well, let's just say the pjs went back on and took a siesta until about 9.  This would turn out to be a 5 day weekend.  Our surprise Thursday holiday, Friday and Saturday, our normal days off, and Sunday and Monday for National Day.

School will resume on Tuesday with just 8 short days until Christmas break.  There is much to do prior to the break.  There is testing and recording of grades for report cards. Our school year is divided into trimesters (12 weeks).  The first trimester will end at Winter Break.  The second trimester is from Jan -Aprl with only one day off.  Its the trimester where attendance is best and is considered valuable teaching time.  I look forward to the challenges that the second trimester holds.  

Here are a few more pics of my children:

Over the next few weeks, pray for me.  I'm going to be here for the holidays. Being away from home is really hard and MISS my family and friends so much.   Lift me up...I will need my prayer warriors :)   I LOVE and MISS you all and look forward to the day (July)  when I can give and receive many hugs :)  Until we meet again :)


  1. Thanks for posting. You can't imagine how much I miss you and my babies there. It ws so nice seeing some of my former students in your photos. It will be a difficult time not being with family. I always met Warren somewhere for at least part of the break.
    I am off this afternoon for a week long Disney cruise with 3 friends. Just got back from a 3 day Disney cruise with Warren for his birthday. Retirement is rough!

  2. I am so sad that you won't be Georgia for the holidays.. Take care of yourself.
