Sunday, October 5, 2014

God's Blessings

As the end of the first month of school has come and gone, I feel like an update needs to be made to my blog.  It has been a whirlwind…..School began on August 24 with teachers and September 1 with students.  I began a new role as Head of Faculty at Al Wagan Cycle 1 School.  Oh, the joys of a new job….the uncertainty of where everything is located when someone needs something, finding files on a computer from the previous Head of Faculty when needed, and dealing with a new administration team that has to learn each other.  I was welcomed with open arms by the entire staff and they’ve been very supportive of me in my new role. 

The biggest challenge thus far has been staffing our school.  There are no substitutes here, so we have to cover absent teachers with staff in the building.  Teachers give up their planning time to help cover classes when someone is absent or not in the country yet.  For the first two weeks, I was teaching children almost every day….glad to do my part until all the staff arrives and makes it through the long process of getting to the schools.  I learned a lot about myself those days…..I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.  I can teach any grade level, songs work well with any grade level and everybody just wants a little structure.  The last of our Cycle 1 (Grade 1-5) teachers arrived last week and I have to say they have all been real troopers about jumping in with both feet.  They’ve worked hard and made my transition into this job as easy as could be expected.  I’m blessed to work with such a caring and professional staff. 

This weekend, I attended my second local wedding.  One of our teacher’s sons was getting married and the staff was invited to attend.  I must say this is the most fun I’ve seen in one room in a long time.  All the ladies from work who are normally covered in abayas, their hair is always covered, and some have their faces covered.... took off the abayas, uncovered their hair, uncovered their faces, and put on formal dresses.  I barely recognized some of them….they were all gorgeous and enjoying life.  Dancing, laughing, enjoying each other’s company and acting like sisters….warmed my heart.  You could just feel the love in the room.  They were genuinely happy to see us and welcomed us with open arms.  They treated us as family.  After a long week at work, this was exactly what the doctor ordered. 

Spent a lot of time over this long weekend thinking…yes, those of you who know me well are thinking this is dangerous :).  The song "Blessings" by Laura Story has some profound words...Sometimes blessings come through raindrops. Trials of this world are your mercies in disguise. The last four months of my life have been stressful and emotional to say the least, but I made it through the storm.  I came out on the other side….yes,  a little wounded and beaten up, but I’m a stronger person for all of it.   I've been blessed with "real" friends who've been there to hold my hand, cry with me, laugh with me, and tell me everything's going to be okay.  You all know who you are, but just know I consider you a blessing from God.  For the first time in 22 years, I'm single again and don't know what the future holds.  I’ve been told that I’m a piece of work….yes, God’s work.  I'm his matter how much of a mess I am.  He knows every inch of me and will never give me more than I can handle. I know that whatever lies ahead for me is in God’s hands.  He knows my future and the path for me…I pray every day for his will to be done through me and  I pray for all my dear friends and family.  Hope God blesses you and keeps you safe until we meet again  :) 

1 comment:

  1. Yes, you are definitely a piece of work! You have made me a better person, a better Christian. I am glad to be called your friend. We couldn't make it without you at AWC1!
