Friday, February 22, 2013

Pull up a Chair!

During my time in the UAE, there has been a lot of down time.  Long rides on the bus and lots of alone time in my apartment to think about my life have helped me examine my life and how I came to be here.  This has been a journey of self-discovery as well as an adventure to broaden my horizons.

It all began:

My parents were married at a young age and suffered through a miscarriage and losing a one-year old child to sudden crib death before my birth.  As you can imagine, they were overprotective of me because Mom wasn’t supposed to be able to have any children.  I was the miracle they’d wished for.  Neither of my parents graduated high school and had low level jobs in the community.  What they couldn’t give me in things, they made up for in love. 

Growing up in a small town can be a blessing or curse depending on the situation.   My Dad had a drinking problem and everyone in the community knew it.  I was never able to have friends over to spend the night because never knew if he would be drunk or not.  Most of my time was spent at home with my family and close neighbors.  My 
grandmother and I spent lots of time together because Momma was working.  She instilled my love for reading. 

When I went to school, there was no kindergarten so I began in 1st grade.  On the first day, Mrs. Hester stood at the front of the room and called my name.  Others giggled and pointed at me.  I was dressed different than the other little girls.  My parents did the best they could, but didn’t have a lot of money.  Told my Mom and next day of school, I wore a dress just like the other little girls with patten leather shoes. 

I was very shy.  Momma told me not to speak unless spoken to.  When the teacher passed out the “Dick and Jane” readers, I was excited….books…..I loved 
books.  To her surprise, I could read the book very well.  There was a boy who sat behind me that couldn’t read.  Mrs. Hester asked me to help her “teach” him.  I loved helping him learn to read.  Decided then and there that I wanted to be a teacher when I grew up.

As time passed by, school proved to be very easy for me. Teachers liked me because I did my work and never was any trouble.  Socially, I was still having trouble connecting with others.  At recess, no one played with me and I felt very lonely. 

By Middle School, the popular, well-dressed kids began to bully me.  In Mrs. Edna Gay’s Math class I sat on the front row…yep, smarty up front J.  At the end of class, my long, beautiful hair was covered with spit balls.  The teacher was oblivious to what was going on and they took advantage of it. I dressed different and acted different, so I was the brunt of all jokes.  During these hard years, Jennifer Iddings and Terri Mayo were good friends to me. Without them, I wouldn’t have made it. 

One day I had had enough.  The popular kids were picking on me unmercifully.  I threw a dodge ball into the face of one the bullies and was sent to the office with the other kid.  Told the principal about how they’d been torturing me and he forgave my offense.  The first time I stood up for myself….the bullying slowed down immensely and some of the “popular” kids started talking to me.  Should’ve thrown a ball sooner! J

In 8th grade, our high school was consolidated with Randolph County and started attending Randolph-Clay.  Best thing that could’ve ever happened.  The small town bullies were diluted into the general population and all the others from Randolph County did not know my family or about my father’s drinking problem.  I had a second chance to High school was much more enjoyable for me.  Let my brain, work ethic and good personality show to others.  Started to come out of my shell and become involved in school activities.  The Y-Club, a Christian organization for High schoolers, helped me spend time with other Christians and learn valuable social skills.  Mrs. Judy Walters and Joe Walters were two of my favorite people!  Mrs. Walters had big parties at her house…..loved those and had so much time fellowshipping with my friends. 

The biggest turning point in my life was meeting Mrs. Brenda Morrison. She taught English.  Our class would be performing the school play and going to regional competition.  Now, remember, I don’t like to talk in front of crowds…still very shy.  She chose me for the opening line of the play.  All eyes would be looking at me…burning a hole through me.  It was my worst nightmare.  I practiced and practiced in front of the mirror.  My Mom knew the lines because she heard them so much. 

On the first day of practice, I was very nervous.  There was a box on stage and I had to crawl out of the box and recite the opening lines.  I didn’t understand projection of voice at the time and she said, “Open your mouth and be proud of what you have to say.  Strong people have a strong voice.”  From that day forward, I took this to heart.  Became stronger in my performance on stage and off. 

Mrs. Judy Walters encouraged me to compete in a competition for Christian speakers at our Y-Club conference.  I worked for days on writing the speech and practiced for weeks.  When the time came, I made speech without any notes and brought the house down!  Won 1st place in the competition!  Of all the accomplishments in my life, this is my most treasured.  I did it! Mrs. Walters saw the potential in me and I will always be thankful to her.  From a shy mouse to a confident person…quite a voyage. 

As High School ended, there was a new mountain to climb…college.  I was the first person in my family to graduate high school and now the first to go to college.  From the beginning, I knew that Early Childhood was my major.  All the teachers who helped me along the way made my choice easy.  I would be the caring teacher who loved my students and taught them as much as possible to help prepare them for the world.  Loved my classes and thrived there.

Socially, I was being successful.  Joined the Baptist Student Union and spent many, many days there.  Marshall Kerlin, our minister, was great.  He and his wife Becky made me part of their lives.  The BSU family became my “family”.  2nd year of college, I became the Social/Intramural Director, my first leadership job.
College was great. It was here that I discovered “WHO” I was.  There were no limits on me.  No one knew about my family and I could become whomever I wished.  At college, I went from being called “Chris” to “Christine”….much more mature…right? 

One night on a visit home for the weekend, I went to a Valentine’s Day dance with a person from my hometown…big mistake.  Several weeks when I came home again, he invited me over for dinner with his family.  Never met them before, but knew who they were.  It’s a small town.  When his Mom and I were in the kitchen getting dinner ready, she said, “Our son doesn’t need to hang out with people like you…you’ll never do anything with your life!  We know who your parents are!!!” 

This hurt me to the core, but didn’t let her see that.  I dropped him like a hot potato and throughout the years I've sent his Mom a copy of each of my degrees….Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Specialist….Guess she was wrong!

As I began working as a teacher, the days were filled with trials, tribulations, and many joys.  All the hugs and smiles made up for all the tough days as a teacher.  I knew that teaching was my God given talent and was affirmed in my classroom.

After 2 years of teaching, I met the love of my life, Dan, and we were married.  Shortly thereafter, we had two children, Danielle and Shelby, my sunshine.  I went back to college to work on my Reading Specialist and increased my knowledge to help the students. 

Years have passed and I’ve taught everything from KG-2nd grade, acted as a Reading Specialist, taught GTL (for at risk readers), and worked as a Reading Consultant for our local RESA.  I loved helping other teachers learn new strategies to help their students.  Kaye McClung was my mentor during this time and she taught me so much about being a good person, a good leader, and a lady.  I would not be who I am today without her!

When the grant money for my job ended, I worked in Dooly County for 1 year and obtained a job in Crisp County as a 1st grade teacher.  Very quickly, administration saw that I was a good teacher.  At the beginning on my 2nd year, a leadership position of Academic Coach became available and was asked to apply.  I would have to leave the classroom in November and work between two schools.  Prayed a lot about it and decided to make the move.

It was during this 10 year opportunity, that I saw some of the best teaching ever.  I was so fortunate to work with teachers from Blackshear Trail and J.S. Pate Elementary.  During this time, I learned so much about myself as a person and a leader.  Confidence in my knowledge of teaching and organizational skills increased.  Plan A, B, C, and D developed during this time. 

Everything was a well-oiled machine and clicking along.  One day a phone call came out of the blue and offered a job in the UAE.  Prayed a lot about what God wanted for me. Felt like God was leading me to take the position.  Things happened within the Crisp County School System that verified my decision was the right move.  Thank you to all the people in Crisp County that helped me grow as a person and a leader.

Now I’m 40 something years old and 7000 miles from home in a foreign country teaching.  Never would I have imagined this for my life. Without the support of my family and friends, I would never have been able to make it here.  God prepared me for this beginning all those years ago. God has a plan for my life and can’t wait to see where it leads. Until we meet again! :)

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Bonus Blog: The Desert Safari

Around 2:00 today, I was picked up in a Land Cruiser and driven to a Desert Safari by Mr. Faisal.  In cabs in the UAE, women don't sit in the front seat.  As I opened the door, he seemed shocked that I sat in the back.  He spoke very broken English and I speak broken Arabic....what a pair.  Mr.Faisal was very curious about me.  He loves to hear English.  Asked me all about my job and how I like it here.  As we made it out of town on the way to the remote area between Al Ain and Abu Dhabi, I noticed a bumping in the tires. Mr. Faisal said his tires were set up for dune bashing, which means there is less air than normal.  Told me everything would be fine...Inshallah (If it be Allah's Will....Lord willing and the creek don't rise in Southern) :)

He drove rather slowly for locals :).  When we turned off the main road and turned onto a sandy road, he began to drive like a  This used to be a road and there are pot holes everywhere.  He whizzed in and out like a master and arrived safely at the "camp"  Mr. Faisal was the owner of the camp, not just a driver.  I tipped him when arriving...he must have gotten a big smile out of that!

When pulling up, there are huge thatch fences. I was greeted by a man holding a falcon.  Then he let me hold him....

Holding a falcon...Asked if he spoke English....
Looks like he's saying.."Really?"
Falconary is very big here.  They are trained from babies and there are shows at all the zoos.  Many of my children at school have falcons at home. More about falcons later.

Next, I was offered dates and Arabic coffee or hot tea...a sign of hospitality here.  It would be rude to not take the tea, so I did. They asked where I was from...guess it must have been my Southern accent.  Asked if tea was the same in America.  They thought iced tea was funny.

Next, I was given a tour of the camp and a schedule of activities. There will be 100 of us today and I am the first to arrive.  So, I headed straight to the camels.  Really been wanting to ride one and no  waiting.  When I walked out of the back of the camp, heard groaning, growling, and generally unhappy sounds....camels.
Don't know if I could sit like that?
Camels tend to spit and bit, so for safety reason, mouths are covered with a netting.  There is a saddle with handles and a blanket to make the ride more comfortable.  The closer I came to the camel the more groaning happened....yikes.  Man said, "She just happy to see you!" I was thinking something different :)

The humps on the back are very big and the leg swing needed to get on was quite high...I have short legs.  They laughed and laughed at watching me try to get on.  Finally....success.  Camel has to get up from this stance to standing straight up with you on it....scary.

Scared me.  I let out a little girl scream.  They laughed.

And we're off!

I thanked her for the ride.  

Next, it was on to the horses.  Never really ridden a horse except at the fair when I was little and he nibbled on my pants while riding...not my favorite.  Open to trying again.  This horse was really tall and was thinking about how far it was go get up on the horse.  I asked the man for a ladder...he laughed.  So, I did it.  The mounting was not graceful, but success.

There are no reigns for me, so you have to put hands under the saddle and hold on.
Glad "Bessie" was in a good mood! :) 

Next, back inside to see the monkey.  My mother has always been fascinated with monkey and wanted one.  Always had an attachment to them because of her. This monkey has lived here since he was a baby. Very used to being around humans. Reaches out to hold your hand and smiles for the camera.

Then, went down to see the sheep, birds, and goats.  

Now, it's beginning to get warm.  Headed back up to camp to get a cool bottle of water.
There are nice shaded areas to sit and relax while cooling off.  

As I enjoyed my water, the buses arrived with the others.  The quiet vanished as everyone was marveling at the beauty of the camp and there were lots of families with young children.  As they settled in, I went down to be the first for dune bashing.  Dune bashing is riding in an SUV over and down sand dunes at a very high speed.  I think it's like riding a roller coaster in the sand.  Here is my ride:

Off we go.  I decided to sit in front with Mr. Faisal.
A French family is in the other seats.
What was I thinking?  
From the moment we left the camp to go dune bashing, Mr. Faisal had a HUGE smile on his face.  It was obvious that he loves to dune bash.  This normally quiet person turned into a cowboy....He would've said YEE HAW if he could.  He drove through the dune with ease and grace.  Then, we came to the top of a huge dune.  We were almost at the top and he pushed on his brakes.  Slid down the other side of the dune.  Have to admit I squealed like a little girl on the way down.  Then he went from one dune to the next up the side, down, around, and over the top.  He laughed every time someone in the car squealed.  Definitely want to go dune bashing again.  I LOVED IT!

While the others rode camels and Quad Bikes (4 Wheelers), I decided to check out the boudoin tent.  This is a traditional tent and has seating inside to get out of the heat.  It's really getting warm now.

The sun is beginning to set and almost time for the falcon show.  There is a male and female falcon at the camp.  The male is much larger than the female.  His eyes are covered because in real life he would not be out until dusk or after and they protect his eyes at all cost.  He was very sensitive to sounds, but was very good about letting people pet him.

During this show, the trainer took the falcon to the edge of the dunes near the camp in the 4 wheel drive golf cart and released her. ( For you Danielle and Shelby...remember the pink golf cart in PC)

The other trainer stood at the bottom of the dune twirling something on a string that looked like bird wings.  He called to her and kept twirling and twirling.  She dove and circled, dove and circled, and finally came in for the kill.  

Standing on top of the "wings"the bird trainer was twirling. 
Falcons are birds of prey and swoop down to catch the unsuspecting mouse, snake, or other bird.  Once the falcon catches her prey, she begins to peck it just like she would do if this were a real bird. Trainer gives her a nice treat of some sort of meat.  He picks her up and she doesn't even attempt to fly away.

Now the sun is setting and time for dinner.  Grilled chicken, lamb, fish, rice, bread, beans, and a salad are served with Arabic music in the background.  Palm trees are lit with colored lights.  Relaxing and beautiful. Arabic desserts were served along with a huge fruit basket.  I chose a banana and shared with the monkey.  He was most appreciative :)

After dinner, we were invited to have tea at the edge of camp by a roaring fire.

Kettles were placed directly onto the embers.
 Water boiled very fast.  
The wind really started to pick up once night came.  Went back to top of hill and found my tent.

Went inside put on sweater and hung out by the fire for a while.  @ 7:30, everyone who rode on the bus started packing up their things.  Tour guide told me that I was the only one staying for the night, but that the caretakers would be 3 tents down watching TV all night, so I would be safe....No worries.  First of all, I thought...cable way out here? and then tried to decide if I wanted to go home.  This would be a true camping trip...One woman in a tent alone in the middle of the desert.  There have been horror movies written about this.  Decided that I would put my big girl panties on and stay...It was an experience thing for me and I wasn't scared.  So, when everyone left, the staff began to clean up like a well oiled machine and in 20 minutes they were gone for the night.  Only Christine and the 3 caretakers watching TV. I walked by their tent to take one last look at the desert for the night and they asked if I wanted to watch the game on the 42 inch TV. I respectfully declined but noticed the small satellite behind the tent. The desert was so quiet and the sky was full of relaxing.  Sat until wind started blowing stronger and went back to tent for the night.

Comforters are hard to find here.
Duvets are very popular and was very warm.  

Wind was extra cool tonight, but was surprising warm inside the tent.  I put on my pjs, a hoodie, and socks and was completely comfortable.  By 9:00, I was fast asleep.  Woke up around 12:45 to go to restroom.  Had to go just next door to the facilities.  They left the light on for me.  I made a quick trip in and out.  It was getting cooler.  When coming back into the tent, had trouble getting the flap closed so no wind would come in.  Wind was blowing stronger now.  Finally settled back in and slept the rest of the night.  @7:00, I awoke to the sounds of birds chirping and caught the sunrise.

What a beautiful morning!  Three caretakers cooked a breakfast of toast, eggs, cereal, fruit, and juice for me.  Mr. Faisal ate breakfast with us and took me back to Al Ain.  This trip was lovely and enlightening.  Many new experiences and looking forward to many more.  Until we meet again!  

Friday, February 15, 2013

Emotions are Running High and Lost in Translation

Last Friday, there was a horrible accident about 20 minutes from my school.  A bus and large truck collided due to very dense fog and drivers not being careful and speeding.  There is an area where the speed limit goes from 100km to 60km and there are large speed bumps.  The truck didn't slow down and ran into the bus. A 17 year old young lady was killed.

On Sunday, I drove to school not knowing the accident had happened.  The weather was foggy and as a driver had to be very careful and watch for the other drivers too.  As my friend Brenda says, "It's not how well you drive, but the other drivers around you...especially here!"  Drivers are reckless, speed, and don't follow the "rules" for driving safely.  Driving in one lane is an option for them. When arriving at school, noticed there were very few teachers...buses had pulled over in the fog on the side of the road and were waiting for it to clear.  So, the teachers who made it safely held down the fort until the others arrived....TEAMWORK.
Fog in Al Ain.

On Monday, Went out to take out the trash before getting on the bus and couldn't see the other side of the street. My HOF (Head of Faculty) called and said we would be delayed going into school because of the dangerous driving situation.  In the desert areas, the fog seems to be more dense.  It could be beautiful weather in Al Ain and pea soup fog on our way to never know.  If it's this thick here, then it would be really bad on the way to Al Wagan.

We waited an hour to leave and the fog was still very dense, so we pulled over and waited longer.  Our principal called because she had just made it to school.  Told us to wait that it was still very dangerous.  There were buses, large farm trucks, cars, and all sorts of vehicles pulled over on the shoulder of the road.  Everyone has flashers on because remember some people don't drive in just one lane and often see vehicles driving on the shoulder of the road on the right and the left.  If they get impatient, they just drive around you on the shoulder of the road...

Another hour later and we headed to Al Wagan.  As we carefully made the trip, there were policeman pulling over big trucks along the way and would not allow them to continue until the fog lifts....the death of this young girl really made everyone consider how dangerous this weather can be.  When arriving at the two speed bumps where the young girl was killed, there were policeman with flashing lights everywhere warning of the fog and changing speed limit.  Several trucks were pulled over there.  Happy to say that we made it safely to school and had a very short day with the children.

Tuesday morning there was no fog, but the day brought new challenges. Around 12:15, our HOF called all KG teachers in for a meeting.  We were all speculating that it would probably be about a revised fog plan or our portfolios (talk about later).  No....With a sad heart, she informed us that two of our KG teachers would be transferred.  ADEC thinks we have too much faculty.    Laura and Brenda will be transferred to schools in Al Ain.

The principal cannot tell them what school, grade level, or boys/girls now....imagine not knowing where you will be on Sunday.  My heart broke for both of my friends.  There were many questions as to why those two were chosen, but our principal had to make the hard decision.  These two teachers have been here for 3 years and have a lot of experience.  They will be going into classrooms where the teachers left during the year.  Discipline will be a problem and getting them back on track will be difficult.  Principal probably thought their experience here would make them better suited for this challenge.  Still, it is hard to see friends leave and so quickly.

As you can imagine, everyone was shocked at the news.  Then, the HOF had one more bit of news...there are more changes.  We all held our breaths in anticipation.  Two of our KG1 teachers will be moved to KG2 to cover the two classrooms of the leaving teachers.  This leaves 1 English teacher in KG1.  She will be a "resource" teacher, spending one hour a day in each of the three classes teaching the English letters, unit theme, and numeracy....whew a lot in an hour!  Arabic teachers will have the classrooms the rest of the day.  This all starts on Sunday. Again, everyone is shocked. Teachers are very upset about leaving their children....teachers love their children and spend a lot of time each day with them.  Bonds are made and young children LOVE their teachers like Momma.

After the meeting ended, we all sat there and looked at each other like...did that really just happen. Mrs. Brenda and Ms. Laura are very close to their Arabic teachers and have been together for years.  This will be very hard. As I walked back to the classroom to get my things, decided that we needed to do something for these ladies before leaving. Talked with the other teachers and want to do a potluck for lunch on Thursday.  Decided to get fried chicken from a local restaurant and everyone else bring side dishes and desserts.  Many locals don't speak English and knew communication would be difficult, so asked Ms. Hend to help. She is one of the few Arabic teachers that lives in Al Wagan. Brought me a menu and arranged for the restaurant to open early to cook the chicken for our potluck on Thursday.  

On Wednesday evening, called the restaurant to place the order.  The first 3 people did not speak English......#4 spoke broken English.  Too many words in a sentence can cause problems, so I spoke to him in broken English.  Said, "Bukarah (Boo Kah rah)---Tomorrow chicken Al Wagan Primary 11:00 in morning.  He said, "Iowa (Yes)" and he asked me how many pieces, plain or spicy, and delivery or pick up.  Felt good about it.  At 10:00 pm my cell's the restaurant.  A 5th person who speaks very good English repeats my order back and confirms.  At 11:15 pm, 5th person calls back and asks if I'm coming to pick up the chicken.  They had cooked the chicken for 11:15 pm, not 11:15 am. I explained that it was for tomorrow morning.  He said, "Oh My GOD!"  I think the #4 employee was in trouble...I had a restless night worrying if the chicken would arrive tomorrow.  Then I remembered what Hanaa always tells me...."What can we do?" She has taught me to worry about things less....

Something special for Valentine's?
Valentine's came to the UAE and the fog was back.  Hour late pick up time and not a bad drive.  I drove because carrying food for the potluck.  School started an hour late and the morning flew by.  At 10:00, I called the answer.  Hanaa said, "What can we do?"  I said..."Breathe".  Around 10:45, my phone rang and it was the restaurant.  5th person confirming we would pick up chicken at 11:00.  At 11:00, sent person to get chicken and wasn't ready.   At 11:40, 5th person calls back and said the chicken is Khalas (finished), so sent Ms. Hend back with dirhams.

For those of you who know me well,  I have a plan A, B, C, and D for everything. At 12:15, still no Ms. Hend with the chicken... APT (Arabic People Time) is different than my time.  I arrive 10 minutes early and try not to be late.  Makes me feel like a bad person if I'm late....not here.  When I was just about to have to "BREATHE", Ms. Hend came around the corner with the chicken!  She said, "No chicken....he made CAMEL instead....then she broke out in a smile....

The EMT's gave Mrs. Brenda and Mrs. Laura a small gift in appreciation for their time at Al Wagan and our love for them. We set up a buffet line outside of our KG Conference room.  Potlucks bring out your best cooks.  Good variety of food and we all left with full stomachs but sad to know that our friends would not be there on Sunday when we returned.

This week has been emotional and draining.  The schedule has been off at school and everyone knows how the children act when they are off schedule. Decided to give myself a Valentine's present.  In just a few minutes, leaving for a Desert Safari and will spend the night in the desert.  Will post pictures when I get back.  Until we meet again!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

My Chariot Awaits and the Rooster Crows

At the end of my blog last week, I discussed the new bus that would be coming to pick up the EMT's(English Medium Teachers).  ADEC attempted to save money by putting all teachers who had been on 5 buses/vans onto 2 of these buses.  Needless to say, it has been an adventure.  The seats are smaller and there are wall to wall teachers.  None of us have been able to sleep.  Each morning the leave time gets earlier and earlier.  One morning this week, the bus was slowing down for a speed bump and we heard a rooster crowing...yep, up before the chickens....We all laughed!  

Some of the teachers are having to leave at 5:20 am and are not arriving home until 5:00 pm due to us having to wait on High School teachers which have a later dismissal time. In situations like this, patience is sometimes hard. Many phone calls have been made by my principal, Mrs. Olive, and the HOF (Head of Faculty...kind of like Academic Coach) to try and get additional buses.  I really appreciate all of their hard work.  Dealing with ADEC is like dealing with any government agency in America ....long, tedious, and frustrating at times....magnify by 100 here. 

On Monday, the nurse had what she calls "Open Day".  For the month of January, the KG2 students have been studying health (healthy eating, dental health, safety, handwashing, germs, etc.).     She planned an entire morning of activities related to our unit.  The day began with the nurse visiting rooms to teach children the correct way to wash hands.  Next, students ate snack in our cantina.  In this school, no hot meals are served.  Students bring a lunchbox and have a mid-morning "snack" or breakfast.  These breakfast usually consist of a sandwich, milk/juice, fruit, and sometimes "chocolate".  I've been encouraging students who bring a fruit, juice, milk, or water.  "Chocolate" is not allowed!  

Hanaa in the Cantina (Lunchroom).  
Mohammed enjoying a healthy snack.

Next, the nurses invited the children into the auditorium for the remainder of the activities. 
Amina, our school nurse

Here we are in the auditorium.  I'm in the back.  
A good time was had by all and the children were very well behaved.  At the end, it was getting a little long for them, but they were real troopers.  
Ms. Lynette...Such a sweet and helpful person!

After school ended, the KG parents came to a parent workshop.  All of the teachers worked together to put together a PowerPoint explaining the New School Model and the curriculum taught in KG.  Ms. Lynette and I presented the information to about 25-30 parents.  Meetings here are different because everything has to be translated.  You and the translator have to get used to each other.  The translator we had didn't know me and I have a STRONG Southern accent.  I say a sentence or two and she translates.  Knowing when to stop is hard sometimes when trying to finish a thought.  We finished and then Arabic teachers presented a short PowerPoint about parent participation and the importance of helping your children at home.  Mrs. Hiba was the presenter. friend.  You make me smile :)

After a long day, I wanted to stretch out, take a nap on the way home, and clear my mind...
The ride home was longer today and I'm beginning to feel very cramped.  My back is killing me today and every time I get close to being relaxed enough to sleep, the bus driver slams on brakes. (There are 5 cameras on the way to school that take a picture if you are going 20 km+ over  the speed limit.  He slams on breaks right before them...jarring my whole body). As the week progressed, my back began to ache more and more.  

On the ride home Wednesday afternoon, I decided to give my back a break.  I've been a grouch all week and really needed to shake the negativity.  Thursday, I drove to school. Leaving 30 minutes later made me feel more rested and like a new woman!  Stretched my legs out (which can't do on the new bus) and had nice conversation with friends who rode to school in my car.  Rejuvenated my spirit! 

Can't help but remember that next Friday is Valentine's Day. In the UAE, the holiday is not mentioned at school, there are no parties, and only the expats (foreigners) will even know the day exists.  Still, I think of all my friends and loved ones who are so far away....know that I LOVE YOU and treasure all the times we've spent together.  I will keep you close in my heart. Until we meet again! :)